Georg Ahnert
PhD Student, University of Mannheim
ahnert [at] uni-mannheim.de
Hi, I'm Georg!
I‘m a PhD student at the Chair for Data Science in the Economic and Social Sciences at University of Mannheim under the supervision of Markus Strohmaier and Florian Keusch. I previously obtained a M.Sc. (with distinction) in Computational Social Systems from RWTH Aachen University. I am passionate about computational social science, natural language processing, and fairness in machine learning. Currently, I‘m thinking about how to use large language models in survey research.
- Extracting Affect Aggregates from Longitudinal Social Media Data with Temporal Adapters for Large Language Models.
Georg Ahnert, Max Pellert, David Garcia, & Markus Strohmaier (forthcoming).
» preprint » abstract at WebSci'24 » poster at IC2S2‘24 - Fairness-Aware Ranking Recovery from Pairwise Comparisons.
Georg Ahnert, Antonio Ferrara, & Claudia Wagner (forthcoming).
» preprint » code - Identifying Themes of Right-Wing Extremism in Hindutva Discourse on Twitter.
Piyush Ghasiya, Georg Ahnert, & Kazutoshi Sasahara (2023). Social Media + Society, 9(3)
» paper » data » poster at IC2S2‘23 » covered on Newsweek Japan - FairCeptron: Framework for Measuring Human Perceptions of Algorithmic Fairness.
Georg Ahnert, Ivan Smirnov, Florian Lemmerich, Claudia Wagner, & Markus Strohmaier (2021). In Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 401-403).
» paper » code » article on Netzpolitik.org
- Computations Social Systems, M.Sc. (with distinction)
RWTH Aachen University, 2020–2023
Master's thesis on Fairness-Aware Ranking Recovery from Pairwise Comparisons
Winner of the GOR'24 Thesis Award - Student Assistant at the Department for Computational Social Science
GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, 2023 - Research Internship at the Computational Social Science Lab
Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2022 - Computer Science, B.Sc. (with distinction)
RWTH Aachen University, 2017–2020
Bachelor's thesis on Human Perceptions of Algorithmic Fairness
- Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python
2h lecture + 2h exercise, since winter semester 2023
» course webpage - Master's Theses Supervision (ongoing)
- Values to Country, a webapp that lets users find the country closest to their personal values built upon data from the World Value Survey
» try it yourself » code - GESIS WebBot, a browser plugin that automates data retrieval from various search engines for the department for Computational Social Science at GESIS
» code and documentation - Vogelnest, a user management webapp with LDAP integration for the student's initiative Studies Without Borders
» code